How You Can Create The Perfect Sales Selling System For Your Business With Ali Mirza


FTC Ali Mirza | Perfect Sales Selling System


To create the perfect sales selling system, you need someone to support you. Mitch Russo’s guest is Ali Mirza, the founder and CEO of Rose Garden Consulting that helps businesses excel. Ali is passionate about helping you develop a scalable sales process and sales strategy. In this episode, Mitch and Ali discuss why you need an assistant to help you operate on your strengths. But you simply can’t delegate and then leave your assistant on their own. You need to create a systematic and repeatable system to make sure expectations are met. Join in the conversation to learn more!

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How You Can Create The Perfect Sales Selling System For Your Business With Ali Mirza

I have something special for all of my coaches in the audience. As a coach myself, I realized I have been spending about 30 minutes per session on admin because I had five applications open at the same time. One for note taking, my calendar, my spreadsheet, my browser, my Zoom and all past session history scattered over two huge screens. At the end of each session, I had to combine all of that into a single email to send to my client in their client session report. I got tired of doing that, so I went out and looked for a professional coaching platform, and here’s what I discovered. They did that and a lot more. They were complex and expensive. I don’t have the time to learn these things, so I decided instead to build my own. That’s what I did. You can get a trial for free. Go to and test drive it fourteen days free then see how much more productive you can be. You’ll notice it also ups the quality of your coaching sessions because you could use goals and accountability you never have before. Go to and give it a whirl. 

Onto our guest at this incredible show, he started his career selling insurance doortodoor. He slugged away for months before he realized what he was doing wrong. Slowly, he tweaked his pitch and perfected his entire selling methodology, and over time, became the top salesman in his group. He leveled up all his goals. He worked hard to be the best at what he did and then he ended up as the Chief Revenue Officer for an Inc. 500 company, and then he went out on his own like all great practitioners of perfection do. Nowhe helps others explode their own sales processes and rapidly advance as he has. Welcome, Ali Mirzato the show. 

Thank you, Mich. Thank you for having me. 

It’s my pleasure, Ali. It’s great to see you. Here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to go back to the beginning and you’re going to tell us the story of how all this began for you. 

In the Laws of Attraction, you will things to you, and it's on you whether or not you want to recognize it. Click To Tweet

I started selling insurance doortodoor when I was nineteen. That was a wild ride. I did that for about four years, and eventually became a Sales Manager. I had a team of 50 reps. We’d get dropped off in the middle of a small town. Nobody knew who we were. I knock on your door. You’ve never seen me before and never heard of my company. I had to sell you to get inside your house. Once I got inside your house, within two hours, I had your Social, I had your medical history, and I had your bank account information. I sold you a life insurance and then you never saw me again afterwards. It was a little bit tough at the beginning. I personally don’t believe that there’s anything as a naturalborn salesperson. I had to learn it. 

The main reason why I was able to learn it was because originally during training, they drop you off and they take you to small towns because it was 100% commissions. They didn’t want you using your own gas and burning out too quickly. Eventually, once you’re an independent rep, about six weeks or so, you got to use your gas. My father gave me an old Ford Focus as a graduation present. I had this terrible, horrible car that I would have to drive two hours into the country on my own. The radio didn’t work. I had no music and no nothing. What I had to do was go there and always game plan, “How am I going to do this? What am I going to do?” I would always rehearse my scripts in the car to myself. That was two hours going out there. The two hours coming back was me licking my wounds of all the deals I did not close and all the areas where I did mess up. 

That’s where I was able to learn, was have that realtime feedback, that feedback right away, instantaneously. You work eight hours a day or whatever it is that you work, but the two hours there and the two hours back, that’s all your prep time and your debriefing time. That’s where I was able to level up is all that time. I had to spend self-reflecting as to what went right and what went wrong because people love to teach you, “This is best practice. Do this,” but they never apply that. They love to think about what they would do, but they never execute. I had to execute and I had to constantly iterate on it. That was probably the main thing that allowed me to level up. The first 3, 4 months was not good. It was very bad, but over time, I was able to get a knack for it. 

I always point this out when I’m speaking to people who’ve been through what you have. The thing is your dad gave you this junky car and it had no radio or a broken radio. You got to ask yourself, “Who figured out that I should get a car with no radio so that I, in fact, would, instead of listening to the radio, prepare for my pitches every single day and then do a deep dive on what went right and wrong after every day’s work?” Think about it. Isn’t that the perfect thing that could have possibly happened to you and yet it was almost completely random in a way? Isn’t that interesting to you? 

It was 100% serendipitous. I want to say I don’t believe in luck, but luck is 100% what you make. It’s the old adage, “Opportunity plus preparedness meets luckI’m an overnight success, seven years in the making.” I believe we’re all given opportunities. It’s whether or not you seize them. I was given an opportunity. One could look at it as I was dealt a shorthand by not having a radio where I could have used that time to debrief and relax and listen and had my me time, but I don’t have that. What are you going to do? I don’t believe anything happens to us. I believe everything happens for us. It’s up to you to now make it be positive or negative. I don’t believe I did that purposely. I don’t know why I would rehearse my scripts. It was probably something to do. I was not an astute young professional. I was like, I want to get better. I did it because I had nothing else to do. 

Ali, this is my point, you didn’t know it, you didn’t plan it, but the universe conspired to assist you in bringing you to where you want it to be for one reason only and this is my personal belief. It’s because you wanted it badly and you had all of your attention focused on succeeding. What you did without realizing it is you called in the invisible troops to help you. The first thing they needed to do was give you time to do exactly what you did by making sure you got a car with no radio. You might say, “Mitch, it’s a little hooky.” I’m telling you, in my life, everything happens for a reason. I don’t know the reason even after it begins to happen. It’s only later that the reasons emerged. 

I 100% believe in the Laws of Attraction. You will it to you and it’s on you whether or not you want to recognize it, but I agree. Everything happens to you for a reason. 

You went on and you started, you and became the Chief Revenue Officer of this Inc. 500 company. Now you’re doing something different. Before, you were sellingand now you’re managing and selling. Is that what the Chief Revenue Officer does? 

FTC Ali Mirza | Perfect Sales Selling System
Perfect Sales Selling System: The mistake a lot of founders make as they enter into me-marketing is they market for themselves. Remember, everything is relative. What’s high-end to one person is not high-end to another person.


That was an Inc. 500 fastest growing company in the world, three years in a row. I was the CRO there. I was responsible for anything and everything revolving revenue, building the team, building out the systems processes, and dealing with the high-level accounts. While I didn’t carry a quota, I did bring in a lot of revenue. My responsibility was to make sure that the organization hit the revenue targets. 

It’s also there that you learned the mechanics and the art and science of building sales teams. What we want to do is we want to get deeper into this process. The reason I brought you onto the show other than because we met and we had a nice conversation and I liked you, I wanted to bring you on this show to help my readers uplevel their game. Ali, I have this question for you. If you are looking at someone who’s building a small business, who has a small business and they are the chief cook and bottle washer. They have to do sales, they have to deliver the product, they have to do the marketing and everything else, how can they set their systems up so that they can create a selling environment that has more of an opportunity for them to close the knot? What are the core steps in getting set up to take sales seriously and creating more professional selling system? 

The first thing that you have to do is you have to get support. I don’t mean getting a salesperson. I don’t like the term assistant because I believe that the term assistant has a connotation where they’re answering your emails or organizing your calendar or getting your coffee. No. believe in having a strategic coordinator. Somebody who sets you upputs you up on a pedestal and props you up. This person will have a lot of assistant type of duties, but they’re also going to be the one that’s going to make sure that you stay in your unique ability. The biggest mistake I find that most founders, CEOs, early-stage organizations that make is they try to do everything. It’s not possible because you’re going to avoid the most difficult tasks, things that have the most mental load on you. You’re naturally going to avoid them. It’s the path of least resistance. It always happens. 

You’re only going to focus on things that give you pleasure, that you get your dopamine rush from and things that you enjoy doing. That’s all you’re going to focus on. Ultimately what ends up happening is most of the critical success factors are ignored. You may find yourself to be a good salesperson and you don’t mind closing deals. You enjoy it and you excel at it, but then who’s doing all the nittygritty stuff to set up the calls and get them on your calendar and then do all the followup emails and all the other things that are required so that you can operate in your unique ability? The first thing is if you can hire somebody, you can hire a VA for $5 an hour and give them a strict task sheet of things that they need to do every single day, and right away, it’s going to make you that much more impactful. 

If you don’t have an assistant, you are your assistant. Nine times out of ten, we are terrible support systems for anyone else, especially ourselves. That would be the first thing, is sit down, figure out what you enjoy doing and the stuff that you know and realize will move the needle forward that you actively avoid doing, that you’re either incompetent in or barely functioning in. Get those off to somebody that sets you up so you can operate in your unique ability. That will put you in a flow state and give you energy. That’s the best way to start creating momentum. There are ten things I could say after that, but in my opinion, do what you enjoy doing inside of your organization and the stuff that is critical that you don’t enjoy doing, just make sure that it gets done. 

Let’s say we do that. Let’s say we bring in an assistant, or in this case, a coordinator. In my world, we used to call that an appointment setterThat person would set up my calls for me, and then later as I scaled my organization, we had a team of appointment setters setting up calls for our closers, our sales teams. What I like what you said though, and what adds a lot of value in my world is the fact that you’re relying on this person to keep you focused on your core competency or your area of genius. This way, they’re not just setting appointments, but they’re watching out for you and making sure that you’re doing the thing that you’re gifted at. I need that too, that’s a great suggestion. That’s a good start. What do we do next? 

Once you have this individual, don’t let them do things on their own, because here’s the thing, you may be terrible at it, you may be terrible at executing, but you understand at a certain level what good looks like. I hope you understand what great looks like, but in some capacity, you understand what good looks like, this person does not. You get what you allow. Do not let them go off completely on their own. Give them detailed instructions. Here’s the thing, this is why most people fail at this, is because they feel that they have to do it themselves. They feel like they have to sit down, create the script, create the process and do all that. No, incorrect. You’re doing it the wrong way. You’re completely are missing the point of having an assistant. 

Why most people fail is because they feel that they have to do everything themselves. Click To Tweet

What you do is you sit down and you have this person sitting right in front of you and then you start talking and get them to start writing things down. As they write things down, you’re looking at it at the same time and say, “That doesn’t look good. Change this. Change that.” Watch how quickly systems and processes get built. All you have to do is talk. If you think better by typing, then type, but more often than not, we think a lot faster than we can type. We start to skip steps inside of our heads and that’s fine. Talk and have them start writing. Once you’re done talking, you may be talking for five minutes, you may be talking for five hours, then you go give a quick comb over it and you’ll be like“I forgot this part. I went from step five to step seven. Let’s fill in step six over here. 

You do that, and right away, you’ve got your process. You create the process, number one, you create the scripts as to what they’re supposed to be doing. You tell them who they should be reaching out to, what they should be doing, and then you set expectations and then you check in on those expectations. It might be something to the effect of, I need you to reach out to ten new people every single day. I need you to reach out to 100 new people every single day. This is what the result needs to be at the end of the month. 

For my coordinatorone of his KPIs is to make sure that in the month of March 2021, I give fifteen presentations. We’ve created a presentation that I’m quite proud of and I’m like, “That’s something that I need to present fifteen times inside of the month of March 2021 to different organizations and groups. I sat down and listed out 3 or 4 different national organizations and said, “Go and speak to these people. They’ve got different chapters all around the country.” His next question was, “How do I reach out to them? I said, “Write an email something like this. I spoke it out to him. He typed it down. I’m like, “Hang on, tweak this, tweak that. Away you go. You’ve got yourself a process. He’s got himself a script. He’s going to start sending out emails. It’s going to be on my behalf. It’s that simple. 

We’re all accountable to somebody. This person does not work for us. We work for them. This is not a servant leadership type of situation. This is very much a, I know myself. I know there’s a reason why I’m a CEO. The reason why I’m a CEO is because I’m a lazy person and I look to avoid doing work at all costs. If I can get away with something, I will. What I have to do is I tell Zach, I’m likeZach, it is your responsibility to make sure I do all these things.” Every single day where I try and either shows up late or trying to avoid doing work and I try and say that This day, I’m not going to do anything.” No, Zach is the one who yells at me and said, “No, Ali, sit down and do this.” We have to do it. I answer him and we’ve set up that dynamic. It keeps me honest. Otherwise, I’ll find an excuse not to do anything. 

That’s pretty brilliant because the dynamics that you’ve created with this individual are that they have the understanding. You’ve empowered them to make sure that you are doing what you said you would do. That is unusual. The other thing that happens when you do this is you are creating a de facto training system for the next person who comes aboard. When you bring that second and third person aboard, and in this case, Zach has too many people to deal with, we need a second Zach in this case, you already have the playbook in place ready to go. That is another big element of what it takes to scale a sales organization. 

You can’t scale something unique every single time. There needs to be some sense of something programmatic, something systematic, something repeatable. If you don’t have that, number one, you can’t scale. Number two, you can’t improve upon it. That’s the biggest thing. There’s nothing that you’re going to ever come up with that’s going to be genius right off the hop. 

We have our small business owner who has heard your words and hired that person and did the process where they literally sit next to them while they do their pitch, while they do their process, while they do their lead generation. That’s going on. There are two people. There’s the sales assistant and the CEO. How do we scale beyond that? 

The first thing that you need to look at is what is this strategy? Why are people buying our solution right now? Whether it’s a product, whether it’s a service, or whatever it is, why are people buying it? That’s the question that people don’t ever ask themselves. They assume that because clients are buying it, it’s valuable. It’s incorrect. That’s postrationalization. You need to figure out why do they buy it initially. Before they had ever bought it, they had never experienced the results, therefore, there was no trust and validation. They didn’t understand the benefit of what it was that you were selling them. First, you need to understand why they’re buying it before they’ve experienced results. Once you understand that, that’s the strategy component. 

There’s this old adage, Mitch. I’m sure you’ve heard it. A man doesn’t buy a drill. He buys 1/4-inch hole. Have you ever heard that concept? The 1/4 hole in this situation is the pain. That’s the need. You need a 1/4-inch hole. Nobody buys a drill for the sake of buying a drill. That’s one school of thought though. There’s another school of thought that says, “No, incorrect. A man doesn’t buy a drill because he needs a 1/4-inch hole. A man buys a drill because it makes him feel like a man, and then he walks around his house looking for things to drill.” I don’t know which one is right, but I’m going to go ahead and take a cop-out answer. I think it’s both. 

I would agree with you Ali and here’s why, because you’re dealing with two elements. One is the feature benefit or need, which is, “I got to get a 1/4-inch hole drilled.” The other thing you’re dealing with is the psychological fulfillment of having something that makes you feel masculine, important, valuable and useful. That might be a drill. It might also be a Mercedes-Benz. The point is, is that nobody buys a Mercedes-Benz to get to the supermarket and back. The hole and the drill thing are fine, but ultimately when it comes to high-end products and products that would have more of an esoteric value, that’s when the psychology of selling becomes far more important because we all need cars. In essence, you could argue, we all need drills, but we don’t need $175 Bosch drill. We might need a Black Decker $12 drill. The reason we buy the more expensive one is because we want a finer built product. We want a higherend product. That’s why. 

The one thing I will add to that and this is where we need to be careful is everything is relative. This is the mistake that a lot of founders make as they enter into me-marketing. They market for themselves. Remembereverything is relative. What’s high-end to one person is not highend to another person. When you and I are sitting here talking about MercedesI wouldn’t be caught dead in a Hyundai or a Kia. They are terrible cars, horrendous vehicles, and an absolute atrocity to the engineer. However, there is a group of people out there that seem to think of Kia Telluride is a fine vehicle. Everything is relative. 

For a nineteen-year-old Ali driving a beat-up Ford FocusI look at a Kia Telluride, I’m like, “That thing’s got air conditioning. I look at that thing and I say, “That’s got air conditioning. That is a nice vehicle.” Now, I look at a brand-new Kia Telluride, I’m like, “What kind of an animal would drive that vehicle? It is a horrible car. It’s a terrible manufacturer.” Remember, everything is relative, and you need to understand who it is that you’re selling to, but more importantly, luxury is subjective. It boils down to how you position it. What is the actual benefit or difference between a Mercedes and a Kia? It’s marketing. That’s all it is. 

FTC Ali Mirza | Perfect Sales Selling System
Perfect Sales Selling System: Luxury is subjective. It boils down to how you position it.


It’s the image that the companies have projected about the products. I bought a Hyundai myself. I bought a different version of the Hyundai. I bought the Genesis, and I bought the GV80, the SUV. To me, it’s like having a Bentley. It’s an amazing machine and it’s incredibly powerful and does everything all of the Mercedes I used to own do, but better. This, by the way, took years to even convince me to look at a Hyundai level, in this case, Genesis product, because of what you described. To the readers, it’s important that we make this point, and you get it. It is you who is positioning your service. It is not what the world thinks. It’s what you say it is, and then later it’s what your clients who experienced it say it is too.  

You’re in a great position here, Ali, because what you’re doing is you’re sharing your experience with us as to how you’ve been through and what you’ve been through to get to this point. Let’s follow the progression. We have our assistant, we’ve done that. We now have a clear statement, or in this case, philosophy about ourselves and what we sell. We have positioned it properly and we think in the client’s mind, and we’re able to close deals and make sales. How do we go from 1 to 2 from 2 to 4 and then build a sales organization? Some of the readers might not have even one person, but ultimately, if you’re successful, you’ll need and want more than one person. How does that next step take place? 

It’s important to delineate. That assistant that you hired is your coordinator, not a salespersonWhat you’re typically doing is that person is empowering you to be a more effective salesperson and allowing you to leverage your time. Once you get to a point where it’s exceeding my capabilities and I need to start parsing out who I speak with. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want this individual’s money, but it’s not worth my time to hop on these calls to close these deals. These are segmented into particular types of deals versus I’m only going to take these types of deals. I don’t want to grade them this manner, but I’m only going to take A deals, which are sixfigures and above, but B deals, which are sub-six-figures, I don’t handle any more. 

From there, you need to bring in actual salespeople. The first thing you need to look at is, “Do I have lead flow? Do I have pipeline?” To try and build a sales team without any lead flow, without any pipeline is difficult, especially if you don’t make that clear on the front end and you’re going to tell this person then, “You need to self-generate.” That’s fine, but it’s a different job than somebody who’s closing it. “I’m spending $300,000 a month on marketing.” You’ve got ample leads. You just need to know how to close them. That’s a different situation than somebody who says, I’m spending $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 on marketing. That’s maybe some brand awareness. You need to self-generate your own prospects. 

Understand which one of those two buckets you fall into or maybe somewhere in between there. Once you understand that, you want to hire at least 2 to 3 sales reps right away. Hiring one is not a good idea for multiple reasons because you’re banking everything on one person. You’ve got nothing to test against. You’ve got no one pushing and motivating one another. When you hire just one, because you’re putting all your eggs in one basket, because typically you’ve got all of these other ancillary costs, you end up becoming more beholden to that individual even when they are not performing, even when you need to let them go. When you hire 2 or 3, that puts the pressure on everyone to perform, and it gives you a relative sense. You need to manage those individuals. People are not self-managing. 

There's no such thing as a natural-born salesperson. You have to learn it.  Click To Tweet

We have a robust hiring process. I believe I am buying somebody, batteries included. You should have everything you require in order to be functional and operational. We pay topoftheline here, at least 20% above industry market average for every position that we hire. There’s a reason for that because I expect you to come batteries included, but you may not have that luxury. You need to understand who it is that you’re hiring. They’re not going to be self-managing. You’re going to need to manage those individuals and push them. 

To go back to your question, I wouldn’t hire one. I’d probably hire 2 or 3. Test them against one another, give them about 90 days and then see because the cream will rise to the top. Make it be known. From there, anyone who is not at a point and is not ramped to a point where they are at least self-sustaining and their past to break even, I would probably let those individuals goAssuming you have given them the proper training and everything on the onboarding because remember your coordinator, Zach has already processed everything out for you. This person is walking into maybe not the sexiest manuals in the world, but they’re walking in some direction. That’s how I would go about that. 

When we were building the sales organization for Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes at Business Breakthroughs, one of the things that we did isin fact, we did almost exactly what you said, is we wouldn’t ever hire one person. We’d hire 2, 3, 4, 5, sometimes 6 people, and then we would literally put them into the entry-level classroom where everybody was training at the same time, and then we’d open it up to the competition. In fact, we tell them in advance, “We’re going to give you the worst leads we have. These are the leads that everyone else has tried twelve times to close and nobody’s closed. Whoever closes the most of those is going to get the job.” Inevitably, everybody closes something, but then there’s that one guy who closed five in a week while everyone else closed 2 or 3That’s how we knew who wanted it bad enough to do whatever it takes. The way Chet used to say it is that anyone who will through a wall to make a sale is a sale superstar. That’s all we hired. We only hired sales superstars. 

The Chet Holmes comment about that you throw a wall. If you watch that Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise and Werner HerzogWerner Herzog’s telling that story about how he was in Siberia and he had to kill a man to get his jacket. You have to chew your fingers to get the gangrene off. Someone is like, “You either shoot your fingers off or I’ll kill you.” He’s like, I don’t understand why people would take death over chewing their fingers off.” Werner Herzog is a weird man, but that’s who I want. I want people who will want to win at all costsI don’t want people that are looking to hang out and collect the check. 

The longer you allow that to exist at your organization, it brings everything else down. It is not your employee’s fault for being that way. The path of least resistanceeveryone succumbs to the lowest common denominator. I tell CEOs and founders this all the time. It is irresponsible of you to watch this person continue to fail and allow it to happen. It’s not that person’s fault. It is your fault. It is irresponsible that you’re allowing it to happen. 

We solved that problem quite easily. We set the standards in advance. We said, “This isn’t up to us. This is up to you. If you can’t work hard enough to close X number of leads every single week, then you’re on probation. If you’re on probation two weeks in a row, you’re going to be fired. You decide how you want to proceed from here.” This way, it took the judgment out of it. It was pretty much a numbers game. I want to shift gears for a minute. I don’t mean to spend a lot of time othis, but it’s important. When we talk about bringing people onlead flow, and all of the support, we have to have systems to support that. Can you talk a little bit about what the infrastructure looks like when you start up or ramp up a small sales organization? 

When you are talking about a small sales organization, you talk about simple stuff. Don’t get into the reporting and the dashboards. That’s icing on the cake. That’s tier threeIf you’ll get to that one, you’ll get to thatThe first few things you want is you need me way to communicate, whether it’s Zoom, whether it’s an autodialer or whatever it is that your market requires. We got people calling off their cell phones, but you can’t record those calls, and then it’s difficult to improve that. My first thing is always some telecommunications platform. Zoom is the one that we use. That’s number one. 

Number two, scheduling links are good. We use CalendlyScheduling links are good because it helps speed up the going back and forth. Acuity is another one. I don’t get kickbacks or anything from any of these people. I’ll try my best to give as many different options as possible. Acuity is another one that you can utilizeHubSpot’s got their own as well. The third thing that you need is a CRM system. Somewhere where you’re going to keep records. Every organization effectively will end up unless you go enterprise and go into Fortune 500. Everyone’s pretty much going to end up on Salesforce. We bit the bullet right off the hop. 

FTC Ali Mirza | Perfect Sales Selling System
Perfect Sales Selling System: You can’t scale something unique every single time. There needs to be a sense of something programmatic, systematic, and repeatable. If you don’t have that, you can’t scale.


When we first started implementing our CRM, we took Salesforce. It was overkill, but now we’re glad we did it because it gives us the reporting and everything that we require. On the flip side, it’s probably an overkill for a lot of people. You can use HubSpot. HubSpot’s a nice light, simple CRM. You can use Freshsales, you can use Zoho. There are so many out thereWe use Gmail for our email system. You’ve got a CRM, you’ve got something to call with, go sell something, and then a document platform, something for e-sign. You can use GetAcceptI will do everything in my power to make sure I never pumped PandaDoc. They did me dirty and I will never, ever pump PandaDoc again other than to talk bad about them. Besides the point, we’re on Proposify. We use ProposifyGetAccept is another good one, you can use EchoSign, HelloSign, DocuSign. There are so many of them. 

Thank you. I use an obscure product called Mimiran. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it before. I found it by interviewing the founder on my show. What I discovered was that he had built this incredible platform and it’s entirely for calling. It’s entirely for salespeople who need to make calls. He’s a friend now. We’ve worked together now. It does the proposals, the autosigneverything. It is lightweight. It’s easy to use, easy to learn, has all the tools you need, but this was perfect. This is exactly what you need to get going and started. Here we are now at this point in the show where we’re going to switch gears yet again and get to know you a little bit better with what I have been told are some silly questions. That’s fine because the questions I’ve always led to an interesting answer, no matter what. Who, in all of space and time, would like to have one hour to enjoy a walk in the park, a quick lunch or an intense conversation with? 

My go-to answer for a question similar to this was like who you would want to have dinner with. It’s not a leisurely walk. It’s not something good, but Vladimir Putin, 100%. Most powerful men on the planet, the richest man on the planet. Some of the decisions he’s had to make. I want to know how a man like that thinks. There’s no way I could make some of the decisions he makes. That’s who I would say is Putin because I don’t get it. There can’t be anyone more interesting than that man alive right now, or probably ever. 

No one has ever said that before. I am fascinated by your answer because here’s what I’m hearing. I admire a person for excellence and who can control and use power in a way to advance their cause, but I don’t necessarily like the guy or what he does with that power. 

The principles are applicable regardless of whether you’re a good or bad person. I’m not trying to have any indictment upon Putin. I don’t know him. I only know what the Western media tells us. They’ve got an intrinsic bias to paint a negative picture. Although on the flip side, I don’t also think that he’s a saint. The principles that he applies, he’s got them understood. He knows. Can you imagine if you understood everything and your brain worked the exact same way his brain worked, but then you utilized your powers for good? 

I love the fact that what you’re focusing on are the qualities of the individual, not their values. That’s a big differenceAli, this is the grand finale question. It’s the change the world question. What is it that you were doing or would like to do that truly has the potential to change the world literally? 

I don’t want to come across as egotistical, but exactly what I’m doing right now. I’m 100% operating in my unique ability. I spent a lot of time doing a lot of things for a lot of people that I did not enjoy, but over the past several years running my business. I’ve pivoted. We only take the deals that we want to take. Our mantra is we want to change the way people sell fundamentally. I 100% believe 90plus of people out there are selling wrong. They are bad at it. They’re fundamentally making mistakes and they’re doing things wrong. That doesn’t mean that they’re bad people. They’re just ignorant to the fact of what is true and what is right. That is what we want to correct. We feel that there’ve been many charlatans out there that have told people, “Do this. Give value. Here are some best practices.” It is all malarkeys. It is all terrible advice. 

People fundamentally don’t make decisions in the way salespeople have been taught to sell. What I believe will fundamentally change the world at the small little sliver that I want to change in that I feel I could potentially impact it in is change the way people sell. If I wanted to do something great, I would hope I was a lot smarter and maybe cure cancer and pedophile rings. That would be the actual thing. If there was one thing that I could put all my money into, it would be those pedophiles and predatorsThat’s the one thing we need to probably kick probably more than anything else. 

We can’t solve three world problems all inside of five minutes. Let’s pick one. You’re in your sweet spot in both your abilities and in your life right now, and there are going to be people who have read this and want to know more. Can they go to Would that be the best place to start? 

Yes. If you want to learn more about us and our organization and what we do, would be the best place to go. 

We get your free gift. This is a little bit more than I would have suggested you offer, but I’m going to let you tell us more about what this gift is. 

I’m a giver. I love to give, and I’m a great person. If anyone is interested in any of what we’ve talked about specifically about the strategy if anyone would like help in positioning their product service solution in a particular way where it satisfies both the 1/4-inch hole as well as the walking around with the drill, looking for things to drill, go to There is a form on there, fill it out. Me and my team will sit down and we’re going to evaluate how you filled it out or what you filled it out and we’re going to present some solutions to you on how you can position your service offering or your product. We’re going to start making some recommendations on how you position it and tweak it so that it is the appropriate way to present it so that you can understand why the client would buy or they’ve experienced the results. If they want to tweak their strategy and positioning, go to 

Another thing that I got as a gift when I first met Ali is he gave me the gift of a Kolbe assessment. I hadn’t even remembered I had done a Kolbe assessment several years ago. When Ali and I did this again, it was amazing how close those two scores were. They were almost identical. Once I understood, once Ali explained to me the details of how this assessment works, I found it to be powerful. If you do get a chance to speak with him, ask him about how you can get yours too. It would help position you in whatever you’re doing to take advantage of your strengths and who you are. The other thing that was interesting when you did mine with me, you said to me, Mitch, if somebody tries to sell you something the wrong way, you’re going to shut down and not be interested. 

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This is a great exercise because this helps me understand, when I work with someone like me or has a Kolbe score similar to mine, exactly how to sell them. That’s why so many of the things you pointed out were so valuable. Ali, you have been an incredible guestYou have helped people understand the sales process. I hope that you’ve had a chance to digest all of what we’ve talked about and take action. Every single show I record is done with a purpose, and that’s to teach you how to take action in a specific area. hope you do that. If you did, let me know. There will be a special gift for you who do so. Ali, thank you again. I can’t wait until we get a chance to speak again soon. 

Sounds about itThank you. 


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