Welcome to the Affiliate Signup Page for Mitch Russo’s Book and Group Coaching Program. 

During the promotional period, we are giving away Mitch’s book: Coach Elevation for free. This funnel leads to the software platform ClientFol.io and to Mitch’s Group Coaching Program called Coach Elevation Group. 

You earn a 20% commission on all referrals, cookies are enabled for 180 days, you can stack commissions as visitors turn into customers and as they buy, you get full commission on all products for up to one year. 

There is “vault” with all swipe files, images and videos for you to use and customize as you like. If at any point you have a question about this program or any of Mitch’s products, you can send an email to [email protected] and someone will get back to you.

To sign up as an affiliate, please fill out the form and we will be notified immediately, you will be approved within 24 hours in most cases.

We look forward to working with you to promote and create valuable relationships. 

Get My Newest Book For Free.

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