Why Your Sales Pages Don’t Convert And How To Change That With Csaba Borzási


FTC Csaba | Sales Pages


Most companies exhaust all their resources just to create the right ads to generate even the smallest amount of sales. Persuasive copywriter, marketing coach, and Game of Conversions founder, Csaba Borzási, is here to help you unleash your sales pages’ true money-making potential. Csaba sits with Mitch Russo to talk about the lessons he learned from his journey into the minds of the top copywriters in the world. Csaba shares how he struggled to get his business off the ground at the beginning of his career and how he managed to create profitable marketing campaigns that actually make money through direct response copywriting. Stay tuned as Csaba helps us discover the essential fundamentals of the whole world of direct response marketing.

Listen to the podcast here


Why Your Sales Pages Don’t Convert And How To Change That With Csaba Borzási

I have something special for all my coaches in the audience. As a coach myself, I realized I have been spending about 30 minutes per session on admin between my sessions. I had five applications open all at the same time. One for note taking, calendar, spreadsheet, browser, Zoom, all past session history scattered over two huge screens for each session that I had to close all that down and combine all those notes into a single email and send it to my client before I could start my next session.

This was getting to be quite a bit of a time drain after having 5, 6 active clients at the same time. I decided to get some professional coaching software. I couldn’t make anything work for me. I thought it was all too complex and expensive as well until I made a decision to do what all great entrepreneurs should do, which is when you find the problem that is unsolved, you solve it. That’s what I attempted to do.

A few years ago, I started this project and in 2021, I released ClientFol.io. It is a complete professional coaching platform, which you could use for only $20 a month and there’s no limitation on the number of clients, notes, accountability questions, goals. It even has a portal for your clients to log in and do a lot of this work on their own. You don’t have to spend your valuable time doing what I would call $10 an hour work. If you would like to get started and check it out, you can simply go to GetClientfolio.com, and test drive it for 14 days for $1. Give it a shot and see if you like it.

Onto my guest and his incredible story. Maybe you will identify with my guest’s journey as a new business owner. He had no idea why his ads, emails, and funnels were not working, no matter how many experts he hired to help him figure it out, the problem persisted. He was struggling. In a casual conversation with a more successful entrepreneur, he asked him what he thought the problem was.

After checking out my guest’s pages, he came right out with it. He said, “Your copy sucks.” He was right. It was the copy. My guest decided to do something that not many people would take the effort and time to do. This journey took him inside the minds of the top copywriters in the world. He’s here to share those lessons with us. Welcome, Csaba Borzási, to the show.

It’s great to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me. I love the intro.

Csaba, tell us how this all got started for you.

I was born and raised in a small town of 15,000 people in Transylvania, Romania. However, I am ethnically Hungarian. A Hungarian living in Romania in the Transylvania Region, which you all know from the movies, Dracula, and stuff like that. As you might imagine, the culture there is different compared to the culture in the States. This had pretty sophisticated and significant implications on my career as a freelance copywriter and as a business owner as well.

FTC Csaba | Sales Pages
Sales Pages: If you’re in sales and you know that there are salespeople that you could model, if you’re not modeling them, then you’re just stabbing in the dark and you’ll be average and mediocre. But if you do model them and maybe even pay them to mentor you and train you, then you could become the best in the world.


Since it was under communism for 50 plus years, most people realized that to survive, you have to be average and stay under the radar. You have to not try to be different, not try to build a personal brand because then the secret police will take you away. This thing created a big wound in our collective subconscious there. Even to this day, and my parents as well, they want to protect people and want people not to venture outside of the beaten path. This was an interesting challenge for me but it also had its own perks.

Living as you were in Transylvania, what made you make the decision to emerge from this communist thinking of which it makes perfect sense the way you described it, if you try to do anything significant, it’s scary. I can imagine how might be that way. What made you decide to go pass that and go beyond that? Were others influencing you at the time?

I was always a black sheep in my family. Both of my parents are engineers. They are good at systems and following different frameworks but I always felt like I wanted to do something more. Early on, even when I was a kid, I realized that, “I always loved reading. I love reading stuff that was different compared to what the school loved.” I was always interested in learning other stuff that they don’t teach at school. My mission early on became to get as close as possible to understanding how the world, including how the human mind works. This is the thing that started me down, this rabbit hole to study more about Psychology, Business, and Marketing.

That’s why when it came time to go to university, I wanted to apply for a Psychology degree but I applied to business because I felt like it would give me more chances to land the job. However, after a few years, I realized that it was okay but I didn’t enjoy it that much. I started a Psychology degree as well, and then I finished both. The cool thing about this part of Europe is that most degrees are free or they are super inexpensive. You can take almost as many as you would like.

You took advantage of the situation, which is brilliant. All along as you began this journey, you now emerged with a double degree business and psychology graduate. Where did you go next and what did you do?

I also wanted a PhD. I was always interested in becoming a scholar. I wanted to pursue a career in PhD and do something and learn more about Behavioral Economics. I applied to a few places. It was super competitive and I didn’t get in. I wasted half a year pursuing this dream, and then I realized I want to try my luck in the private sector. I’ve got hired at IBM as a sales support specialist, which was a great job but it was a back-office job. It was super safe. It has its own systems, processes, and everything.

After a few years, I realized that I want more. I wouldn’t take average or mediocre. I became a direct salesperson for a wealth management company, which had its own challenges but I left pretty early on because I realized that they were basically scamming people or ripping people off, and I didn’t like that. That was the specific moment in time when I realized that I want to become a copywriter like a direct response copywriter. Few of my friends have been doing this before. They told me cool things about it. When I’ve got started with copywriting, it sucked me in. It was exactly what I have been looking for throughout my life.

The journey that I talked about is this moment in time when you made this decision to study and double down on persuasive copy and copywriting. What made you decide to study 100 different writers, mail pieces or direct response pieces? What made you make that decision?

Always research. You have to become your market. You have to understand their pains, fears, hopes, and dreams. Share on X

Like almost everyone else, I started by buying a few courses, reading a lot of books, started working on different projects for clients. I was always in the middle of the action in the trenches. I enjoyed that because I learned a lot but even after a few years, I realized that I’m learning about all these templates, formulas, copywriting hacks, and stuff like that but it’s not clicking. I’m still not getting the essence of it. I wanted to discover the essential fundamentals of the whole world of direct response marketing, not just copywriting.

At that time, I heard about people like Brian Kurtz, Jay Abraham, John Carlton, and a lot of high-quality A-list copywriters and marketers, who always talked about getting back to the roots and about people like John Caples, Gary Bencivenga, Eugene Schwartz, Gary Halbert, and Claude Hopkins who invented scientific advertising many years ago. I wanted to discover what the fuss is all about. That was the main idea behind doing this 100-Day Proven Sales Letter Breakdown Challenge. It was one of the best things that I have ever done.

First of all, you named all of my stars, all the people that I have read and followed for years. When I was learning how to develop film in photography school many years ago, after we practiced in class, fumbled through, and screwed up some of the reels and all this other stuff, the teacher said, “Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go into those.” They were closets that were completely 100% pitch black and the goal was to load the film in the dark. It took us a while. We’ve got one reel fully loaded in the dark.

If no one knows what I’m talking about, the film used to be cameras would film in them and now it’s coming back a little bit. To develop a film, you need to put it on a reel and that reel then gets immersed in a developer and process. It took me 45 minutes or so to get that one reel perfect. I came out and I was so proud of it. At that point, the teacher said, “Go back into the closet, unload that film, and reload it 100 times in the dark.” He said, “If you screw up once, you have to start over from the beginning, start the count over from 1 and go to 100.” I did that and it took me all night.

From that point on, I never ever fouled a roll, missed a roll or misload ever again because of that exercise. It reminded me of your 100-letter challenge because once you study some of the best-written pieces in the world, then you would study 100 of them in a row and you break them down, you are going to learn it. Not many people are committed the way you were when you did that to do what they are doing, the way may know they need to.

For example, if you are in sales and you know that there are salespeople that you could model, if you are not modeling them, then you are stabbing in the dark. You will be average and mediocre but if you do model them and maybe even pay them to mentor and train you, then you could become some of the best in the world as if it seems that was your path. Tell us a little bit more about the process. Tell us where we should begin when we are beginning to sit down and analyze or write a great piece of copy.

The biggest first step is always research. A lot of people overlook this. It seems to be like this enigmatic thing, “You have to become your market. You have to understand their pains, fears, hopes and dreams,” but what does that even mean in most cases? A lot of people overcomplicate this. You can research on a very high level and spend weeks or maybe even months. Some old-school copywriters used to spend months on research. In that way, you are going to understand your market way better.

In most cases, you don’t necessarily have to do that much research. You just have to understand what’s the urgent problem that your ideal customer avatar is having. What is their core number one desire? What are their beliefs? What are their false beliefs? That’s very important because most people have false beliefs when it comes to anything in the world. You also have to keep in mind that they have tried a lot of similar solutions before compared to what you are offering them. They have been burned and frustrated.

FTC Csaba | Sales Pages
Sales Pages: You have to keep in mind that people have tried a lot of similar solutions before, compared to what you are offering them. So, what can you communicate so that they perceive your solution as something that’s different and that’s superior compared to anything else they’ve seen before?


What can you do? What can you communicate so that they give you another chance and perceive your solution as something that’s different and superior compared to anything else they have seen before? Agora is good at this. They work in the financial newsletter industry and it is a super competitive market. People there are right-wing people and older in general. There is also a fantasy name for their avatar called Grandpa Kurt.

It’s very important to give them a big idea. To give them an idea that they can put new faith in. The whole purpose of research in my opinion is to gather all the information needed so that you can establish this new one belief in people so that they give you a chance. If you can do this properly and your whole sales argument works, it establishes this one belief. Once you establish this, the game is almost won because by then selling becomes superfluous.

I have never heard it broken down that simply and beautifully before. The whole idea is to identify their current belief, then shake that loose at some level by presenting an even better key idea, and then helping them to become a believer in that idea. From there, leading them down the pathway to start executing around that new idea that you have installed. Is that what you said?

Yes. One more thing I would like to add to this is the concept of transformation. Most people are buying transformations. They are not buying products, features, and even benefits. They are buying the transformation. Again, another great example is the weight loss industry. They are good at before and after transformations. That’s how that whole industry operates.

Having written copy for years as well but not at your level, the research part is almost a part where people would like to skip. They say, “This is my market. I know this market. You can’t teach me anything. There is no point in doing research because I’m not going to learn anything I didn’t learn before.” I would imagine that’s a big misconception. That’s why you have to do this research. You said it before, the research that we are doing here is to identify that core belief that they have.

This is one of the most important parts of it. What I have talked about is researching the customer avatar but you also have to research your competition and your own offer as well because what most people do is that they give people a mediocre offer. Again, a lot of people don’t know is that the most successful offers are not created product first, and then selling the product. They are created from the bottom up. Pre-selling the idea, verifying that idea, minimum viable product, and then building out the product, if it’s sold.

I am guilty of having built the product first. In the beginning, I talked about ClientFol.io, my SaaS platform. I created the product for myself, to be honest. I didn’t even know if anybody would care to use it but as soon as people started seeing it, they’ve got excited and asked me if they could. That’s when I realized, “I’m going to commercialize this. I’m going to put in the necessary work to turn it into a finely tuned platform for coaches.” You have mentioned that you had taken a look at my page, the ClientFol.io sales page, do you want to tell me a little bit about what you found?

I went to ClientFol.io. It’s a good page. it’s obvious that it wasn’t written by an amateur. The design looks good. It seems conversion-optimized from a UX, user experience perspective. We talked about research. I don’t know the specifics at this point. I don’t know the specific customer avatar, how it’s performing, and the heat maps, if you have heat maps on this. This is a little bit shooting in the dark but in most cases, when it comes to communicating a persuasive sales message, it doesn’t matter if it’s a sales page, video, Facebook ad or email campaign, the same things apply.

A lot of people totally over-complicate research when in fact, you just have to understand the urgent problem that your ideal avatar is having, what is their core number one desire? Share on X

The biggest low hanging fruit on this page seems to be a lack of an underlying narrative. There are a lot of great sections that are great on their own but they seem to be random, at least to me. As you presented the story here on the show it made sense. It’s like an archetypical invention story. “I had this problem. I tried a lot of different solutions. Nothing worked, so then I invented something, and then now it’s my mission to share it with others because so many people have been asking for it.” That’s a great story template that works well.

What I felt when going through the page itself, and I’m not talking about the video was pretty good but the page itself seems a little random. We talked about the one belief. Here’s what you want to communicate. This new opportunity is the key to your number one desire and it’s only available through my unique mechanism. This is what you want to communicate with any sales message. The new opportunity can be this new software, too.

I’m not exactly sure what’s the number one desire for the target market that probably to grow their business and to have more confidence or something like that. It’s only attainable through my unique mechanism. This unique mechanism part, I felt like it was missing. This was a biggie. It seems to me that you are doing something differently. Why do we call it a unique mechanism instead of just a mechanism? A unique mechanism, we first do the system, process, framework or the methods behind your product or service that produces the result and it is proprietary. The best unique mechanisms are proprietary.

P90X Muscle Confusion, that’s a unique mechanism. It’s not about the benefits but it’s about how you get results for people. A great tip for most coaches, consultants, experts or authors, when they are working with clients they want to communicate on their own sales page, how their process is different. If I were to tell you my unique mechanism as a copywriter, for example, I would start with spending more time on research like we did because a lot of people skip this part. I would talk about gathering stories and a lot of voice of customer data so that we know how to talk in a way that the market talks.

I would talk about how my process works step by step, how I construct the sales argument, how I create the headline, the lead, and the big idea. This was one of the key things. One other thing that’s related to this that I felt was a little bit missing was the unique selling proposition. What’s the difference between a unique mechanism and a selling proposition? The unique mechanism relates to how you get the result and the unique selling proposition answers the following question of, “If I am coach consultant or expert, why should I try ClientFol.io rather than any other tool to help me grow my business?” A gentleman named Rosser Reeves came up with this in the ’60s.

You want to give them a compelling, quick, rationale for why this is different. I came up with something. It’s a little rough around the edges but as I was going through the page, I don’t know which benefit is the most important one because I don’t have that research. I feel like the answer to this question is that because ClientFol.io is the only client management app designed specifically for coaches, consultants and experts. That’s one.

You want to give them three. It’s super easy to use, works on any device and saves you from all the admin burden while running your business, so you can get better results for your clients and return the joy of helping them. As I opened up the page, I wanted to see the message behind this unique selling proposition communicated directly because I feel like the current headline might not do it justice.

I also want to make a point here, when anyone is ever giving you criticism or help, never interrupt them and give them reasons why you did something. Say thank you, keep listening and take notes, which is exactly what I’m doing now because this is gold. When you are working with somebody at Csaba’s level, you can get enormous benefits by being open and receiving this great information.

FTC Csaba | Sales Pages
Sales Pages: Identify their current belief, then shake that loose at some level by presenting an even better key idea, and then help them become a believer in that idea.


I wanted to externalize the process a little bit for anyone who’s reading this so that they could see it for themselves exactly what’s going on. You are right, by the way. Others, again, might relate to this is that the original page was written and laid out. It was published as the product came out last March of 2021. What ended up happening is that we had conversion issues and we brought in somebody who could potentially clean up, make or assist in making the copy better.

They did what they did and I helped a little bit but nothing dramatic until we brought in somebody else who made a lot of suggestions and a lot of key changes. That’s where the narrative got broken. We had too many cooks in this stew. That underlying story that I told at the beginning of the show was missing on the page now because one of the multiple people who were involved in this must have felt it, was not as compelling as I did when I wrote it.

That clarifies a lot of things. It’s so funny. When I was reading it, I felt like some of these in some places, this message seems like it has multiple personality disorders and it’s true, which brings me to another big point that I mentioned the underlying narrative. This is the biggest issue with the message. I have the most experienced in the world of long-form copywriting or long-form messages. That’s what I like the most.

A gentleman named Evaldo Albuquerque, who’s one of the most successful copywriters at Agora Financial. He single-handedly created the most winners in 2018, 2019 or something, and he’s Brazilian. His native tongue is not even English just like me but he came up with this great framework called The 16-Word Sales Letter™.

One part of it is the one belief that we talked about. It’s exactly the same but the other is that he came up with ten questions that you have to basically go through when you want to persuade someone to do something. It’s super useful because you are shifting the whole perspective from your point of view to the customers. While asking these questions, you are preemptively answering all the objections in the right order. This is very important. Dan Kennedy also talked about this a lot. You have to do it in the right order. Otherwise, it creates disharmony in people.

The ten questions are super short by the way. The first is, “How is this unique?” That’s what the headline, the lead, the first few words or 100 words of the promotion basically answer. This is the unique selling proposition that we talked about. The second question is, “What’s in it for me?” That’s the place where you talk about the number 1 benefit or the top 3 benefits.

“How do I know this is real?” There, you immediately give proof points. Gary Bencivenga is another famous copywriter who is all about proof. You make a promise. Everybody can make promises. That’s how you identify average copy is that it’s hyped up. It’s all proof. I’m not saying your message hype up because it’s not at all but some immediate proof after the promise helps people move through the message.

The fourth question is, “What’s holding me back?” This relates to the false beliefs. How come people who are already successful coaches and consultants never tried something like this before? Is there something wrong with them? Probably not because the next question is, “Who’s to blame for past failures?” This is the common enemy. “It’s not your fault. You have been misled. You have been so busy trying to grow the business that you ended up working in your business instead of working on your business.” If you give them, some great elements here, it moves them through the slippery slope.

Most people are not buying products, they're not buying features. They are buying the transformation. Share on X

The next question is, “Why now? I understand and I haven’t tried something like this before for various reasons but why should I give this a try now?” This is the place where you have to give them compelling reasons why they should do something now and why they cannot put this off anymore because their life is going to be terrible. This is where you can agitate the pain a little bit as well.

From here on out, we transitioned into the close itself because, at this point, they probably have this one belief already established. They know that this is different than they wanted but now you have to answer the questions of like, “Why should I trust you?” Give them more testimonials or proof. “How does this work? How do I order? How do I get started?” Also give them a crossroads close, which is like, “You have two options either you can continue on this path but then nothing will change, you are going to keep struggling or try this. It’s risk-free and you cannot lose.”

I love the fact that you kept bringing in the references to the people who you learned from. I worked briefly with a guy named Jon Benson. When I worked with him, one of his big things was the whole, “Who’s to blame for the past failure?” Jon did a great job of building the case quickly, removing blame for failure and converting it from a feeling of despair into a feeling of hope. I don’t know if there are others that do it better but he was a master in the work I did with him.

He is really good. He’s the so-called inventor of the Video Sales Letter. He places a big emphasis on the nightmare story and the emotional side of this. Other people like Clayton Makepeace, for example, another great copywriter was good at this, also John Carlton and Gary Halbert. This is something that a lot of people in the SaaS industry don’t have the courage to do because they feel like, “It’s B2B. What if it sounds a little too much? What if I alienate people?” The truth is that you have to be polarizing a little bit.

How do you get around the thought? One of my limiting beliefs is that, “Who wants to sit and read an entire long sales page?” That has stopped me many times from elaborating further. In fact, many times that feeling alone has led me to go back and chop out big sections of anything I write because I think, “I don’t feel like I want to sit down and read all this stuff.” Give me an idea of how you view that statement as a limiting belief.

A lot of people have this belief. The more physical products you sell, the more you have this belief in general. Online creators don’t have this because they are more used to long copy but the thing I do is, the more belief shifting you have to do, the longer your copy or sales letter has to be. Some people asked me, “How long should this be? Tell me the amount of words.” It depends on how many objections you have to answer, how much belief shifting you have to do, and how complex your product is.

In ClientFol.io‘s case, it’s a relatively complex product because it includes so many different things. On the other hand, it’s a very affordable product, which means that you don’t need that much copy. These two things balance each other out. For most people, I recommend that they still try something that feels almost uncomfortably long. Copywriting is salesmanship in print. This is what most people call it. It’s trying to simulate the one-on-one sales conversation.

If you think about great door-to-door salespeople like Gary Halbert was, for example, in the beginning. If you go to a prospect and you start to talk to them, sometimes the conversation might take an hour-long or half an hour long. You can’t sell them something in five minutes in most cases. Would you leave them there even though they have questions? Probably not.

FTC Csaba | Sales Pages
Sales Pages: You want to communicate that this new opportunity is the key to their number one desire, and it’s only available through your unique mechanism.


It’s a huge mistake because the people who are not going to buy anyway, they don’t care if it’s a long copy or short copy but a lot of people are losing tons of extra customers because those people didn’t get the answer to their objections or questions. This is important but for this to work, your copy has to be good, and not boring and not confusing because then long copy becomes a burden, then long copy doesn’t work.

The reason why most people think long copy doesn’t work is because their copy sucks. That’s the truth. If I were to create a sales letter or a long form article, 50 pages let’s say or something, and the headline would be something like, “Mitch Russo’s Top Ten Dirtiest Secrets That His Mother Doesn’t Even Know About,” you will probably read it. If it’s relevant to you as the target audience for that specific message, you would read it. That’s what you have to do with your sales messages as well but it’s hard because you have to do the research and other stuff.

It is hard. I hope you’ve learned as much as I have. To apply the ten questions and think about the research in advance, these are all so important. These are things that I, myself, could have done a better job on. If you are reading this, do those things, think about your own copy, and think about maybe even taking a fresh approach after reading this and seeing what changes once you do.

Csaba, we are at a point where we get to talk a little bit about you instead of copy. The way we do that is by asking a couple of questions. At least two and some people have called them silly questions. That’s fine with me because the bottom line is we get to know the person this way. Part of what I want to do is make sure people know you. The first question is a reflection of your values. Who in all of space and time would you like to have one hour to enjoy a walk in the park, a quick lunch or an intense conversation with?

There are so many people who come to mind but I would say, Winston Churchill. First of all, he was a great orator. He was a prolific writer. He was a wartime leader who had tons of character flaws as well but he’s the man who mobilized the entire English language and sent people into battle. He was great at establishing the common enemy. He was great at shifting beliefs as we talked about. He was a great copywriter also, someone who was so good at many things. I would be interested in having a conversation with him and just learning.

What an interesting conversation that would be. He was quite a flawed character. In fact, he was the eleventh choice to be the chancellor. He was not initially chosen. In fact, he was way down the list but by the time that choice was made, the war had already started and it was critical. The time was dire and he stepped in and saved England. He did an incredible job. There would be so much to learn from him. Thank you for sharing that. That makes a lot of sense.

One more thing, he was a very interesting character. This is a great marketing and copywriting lesson as well. If you have someone, a character, who’s very good at something but has no flaws, no internal conflict, only outside conflict, then it’s a boring story. The thing that makes the story especially interesting is how he was so good at cultivating his own cult of personality while also dealing with his own internal issues and the external war. If you study storytelling, there’s always like the internal and the external journey that our character goes through.

Thanks again for bringing him up. This is what we call the grand finale question. It’s the change the world question. What is it that you are doing or would like to do that truly has the potential to literally change the world?

When anyone is giving you criticism or help, never interrupt them and give them reasons why you did something, just say thank you and keep listening and taking notes. Share on X

I would like to help more people become better communicators and be better at creating persuasive messages without being sleazy. Imagine how much more efficient the world would be if anyone would be able to persuasively convey a helpful message and the emphasis on helpful and ethical that can help someone else. Again, it’s shifting the beliefs of stubborn people, for example, how much more efficient the world would be.

It’s a great mission. Helping people learn to communicate better is an incredible mission and it would serve everyone, whether it’s selling or helping others understand your point of view. We have a lack of that in the society now. People are very close-minded and polarized. Better communication skills would allow us to open up the society a little bit better and hear what people need. Maybe once you understand what people need, it would be easier to relate to that and communicate as well. Now, we get to what I think of as an awesome free gift. This is something that you have perfected over time and used many times yourself. Tell us a little bit about what this is.

I want to give the audience of this show something I call the secret copy recipe, which is the recipe behind these 100 Proven Sales Letter Breakdown. I learned tons of things about doing these things. I also created daily breakdown videos of these letters. I didn’t just passively break those down but instead, every single day I turned on the camera and analyzed it. I tried to teach it back so that I learn even more.

Everything is on YouTube. There’s a free playlist. It’s 100 hours of content but the problem with this is that it might be too much for people. Most people ask, “What’s the top ten things? What are the top five things?” This is what I created. It’s a cool cheat sheet that includes the most important elements. They are very similar to all the elements that we talked about on this show.

I’m super confident that if you take this and apply it to your own marketing, you are going to see blockbuster results with this because you are getting what I consider to be the ultimate persuasive message formula that you can customize to your own offer. You can use it for a sales page, an email campaign, a Facebook ad, and a YouTube ad, it doesn’t matter. It’s going to help you. You are also getting a pre-flight checklist that reveals instantly gaping holes in your copy. You can fix a lot of the things that I talked about during the show itself.

I want to mention that I have been on your list, getting your emails, and downloaded the copywriting secrets gift that you are offering. It’s interesting because I’m a very big 80/20 guy. I would rather invest 20% of the work and get 80% of the result than try and invest a lot more time to get the incremental difference, and it delivers. There are some great tips and elements of what you are sharing.

As you talked about here, the ten questions and more that will help somebody in a few minutes to see the potential holes or flaws in what they have written. I would highly suggest that you go check that out. Csaba, this has been a fantastic conversation. I want to thank you for choosing my sales page to breakdown because it was helpful to me. I appreciate it.

Thank you. It was my pleasure.


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About Csaba Borzási

FTC Csaba | Sales PagesHi, I’m Csaba, and online entrepreneurs hire me to engineer profitable marketing funnels and persuasive sales messages…
Because most are struggling with “leaky” funnels, low conversion rates, and weak copy.
So I help them identify & fix their biggest leaks and upgrade their conversion systems.
Bottom line: I help them create consistent cash flow while impacting more people around them.
However, that wasn’t always the case…
For years, I struggled to get my business off the ground and create profitable marketing campaigns that actually make money, but was getting nowhere and I was at the end of my rope.
Then I decided to go all-in and master the timeless fundamentals of the “ultimate persuasive skill”, direct response copywriting…
Going as far as breaking down 100 proven sales letters in 100 days to uncover the master secrets of the most elite copywriters of all time.
(while documenting my process through daily YouTube videos).
Today, I help ambitious online businesses convert more casual leads into high-AOV customers and plug the holes in their “leaky” funnels.
In fact, I recently created a FREE cheat sheet that reveals the “Secret Recipe” behind these mega-successful ads…
Including how YOU can apply the same principles to your own marketing for BLOCKBUSTER response… in just 15 minutes!
Here’s your chance to get the most powerful marketing and copywriting secrets of all time (stolen directly from decades of multi-million dollar promotions)!
Even a single one of these proven formulas can make your marketing wickedly effective, almost overnight.
Just tell me where to send your FREE cheat sheet today and I’ll hook you up ASAP.
PLUS, you’ll also get my mega-popular “39 Proven Headline Formulas”…
Along with a free subscription to my weekly newsletter breaking down each one of these 100 legendary ads in an in-depth video essay…

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